Saturday, 22 August 2009


The new production of VOLUMEN EXPRESS and friends SUEÑO Y CRISIS - THREE DREAMS BEHIND BARS will premier at April 22th in Sophiensaele (Berlin).

SUEÑO Y CRISIS – THREE DREAMS BEHIND BARS is a documentary theatre play dealing with the loss of identity of the people in Buenos Aires after the complete economic crash in 2001. Like no other place, Buenos Aires represents the fragile balance between individual life plans and their dependence on global economic systems. More or less over night thousands of people there lost their savings, perspectives and self-perception without any governmental protection. Argentina, which always had felt closely connected to Western Europe, suddenly became a ‘Third World Country’ of South America. Consequently angst and the absence of safety but also arising dreams of a different life have manifested themselves in biographies, architecture and daily living. Nowadays life in Buenos Aires questions the European dealing with the fear to loose financial and idealistic securities: What means the ongoing economical crisis for our concepts of society? If the only certainty is, that you cannot rely on anything anymore, what does one dream of? Base of the performance are interviews and dialogues with inhabitants of Buenos Aires, images and objet trouvés as well as both personal experiences of author and performers as subjective-documentary descriptions of everyday life in the post crisis of the metropolis. Urban cultures of the so-called ‘first’ and ‘third‘ world function as a twoway distorting mirror for transformation processes within society. The production will be staged in Europe with Argentine performers currently living in Europe, who have personally experienced the collapse. They interact directly with the local audience.

SUEÑO Y CRISIS – THREE DREAMS BEHIND BARS is a co-production with Sophiensaele (Berlin) and the Marstrand Festival VOL II at Black Box (Oslo). Work-inprogress performances will take place in Teatro del Sur (Bueno Aires) in December 2009. Three sneak previews will be shown at March 17th until 21st at Marstrand Festival in Oslo. The official premier takes place in Sophiensaele in Berlin at April 22th with five performances, three more shows are planned for May 2010 in Copenhagen. The basis of the performance is the first stay of the theatre author Veronika S. Bökelmann in Buenos Aires in winter 2007/ 2008 as well as research with documentary filmmaker Anett Vietzke and stage designer Annesofie Norn in Residencias al Sur, Teatro del sur from September until December 2009. The production of SUEÑO Y CRISIS is funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfond Berlin 2010, Fritt Ord (Oslo), Norsk kulturråd (Oslo) and Goethe Institute (München).

Since the economical crash in 2001 more and more iron bars coin the cityscape of Buenos Aires.